As you think about the best ways to protect your personal collection - whether it be paintings, photographs, or sculptures - the storage area itself should be a foundational consideration.
If possible, select a storage space for your collection that is neither at the top of the building nor below grade, this will help with temperature and humidity control. Additionally, selected storage areas should ideally not have mechanical systems running through them, nor should there be windows. We understand that these criteria are often hard to meet at private residences, but Guardian Fine Art Services offers storage areas that meet the highest standards of object storage. Guardian has no minimums. Securely store one item in our Managed Storage area or an entire collection in a Private Vault. If you have questions or need a safe place to store your collection, please email [email protected]. We are here to help! #artcollection, #artcollecting, #bestartstorage, #preserveart, #artstoragetips, #protectart, #keepartsafe, #safestorageforinstruments, #secureyourcollection, #guardianfineart, #archivalmaterials Thanks for pointing out that there should be no windows and mechanical systems in your storage space. I will keep that in mind when I have a security vault installation service in my home this year. My goal is to protect my essential documents as well as the heirlooms that were passed down to me. Comments are closed.